There are lots of occasions when one can give cards to their near and dear ones. Kids love to make different kinds of cards of everyone. It provides the kids with a creative let out and a sense of happiness on creating something is unmatchable. All the colors add to the happiness of the kids. Such creative crafts help to keep the kids happy and busy constructively.
Such crafts are easy to make and always bring a smile to the face of the receiver. We will be trying this Handprint tree card design. It can be gifted on different occasions such as Earth Day, Green Day Celebrations or even for ‘Get Well Soon Cards‘ and on family functions. You can even use this card as a showpiece at your home. It will look really beautiful.
Handprint Tree Card Craft for Kids
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Materials Required:
- Colored paper, different colors, red, green, yellow, black, purple, white, etc.
- A pair of scissors
- Glue
- Pencil
✨ Step 1: Taking a Hand Print
- Take a dark colored paper, preferably black paper.
- Place your hand in one corner.
- Trace your hand with the help of a pencil.
- Now use a pair of scissors to cut the lines made around the hand.
✨ Step 2: placing and Sticking the hand
- Once you have cut the hand, place it on the card base sheet.
- Stick the hand along the edge at the base of the hand.
- Make sure the base of the hand design is aligned with the edge of the card.
- This will form the structure of the tree card design.
✨ Step 3: Cutting Tree Tops
- Now we will need some colorful paper piece to add to the tree structure.
- Take a green colored paper, draw some circles on this colored sheet of paper. Cut these circles.
- These circles will help us to fill in the card front and beautify it.
✨ Step 4: Adding Tree Tops
- Once you have cut all these green circles, paste them in the top of each ginger and the thumb.
- These form the base for the tree bush design.
✨ Step 5: Decorating The Tree tops
- Now draw different size circles on the green-coloured sheet.
- Cut all these circles and fill the upper region of the card with these green circles. This will make your card look full and beautiful.
- Now take a bright coloured paper, red, yellow-coloured
- Draw some smaller sized circles on these colored paper sheets. Cut these circles out.
- Stick these smaller circles made using bright colored paper inside the previously stuck green circles.
✨ Step 6: Adding eyes to the tree
- Now this tree is filled with colorful bushes and a strong structure.
- We need eyes for this tree craft. Take white paper. Draw really small circles in it. Cut these circles out.
- Stick these white circles in the hand structure of the tree.
- These become the eyeballs of the tree design.
✨ Step 7: Adding mouth to the tree
- To complete the eyes we need to add the black pupils.
- Draw even smaller circles on the black sheet. Cut these small circles out.
- Stick these tiny black circles inside the white eye balls.
- Now take red colored paper and draw a semi-circle in it. Cut out this semi-circle.
- Paste this red semi-circle in the place of a mouth for the tree.
- The facial features of the tree design are complete now.
✨ Step 8: Adding Grass to the base
- To add more beauty to this pretty tree craft we will add some grass at the base of the tree.
- Take a green colored sheet. Start cutting triangular cuts at some distance from the edge of the sheet of green paper.
- Now cut this broad strip with one triangular cut edge to the size of the card front base.
- Stick this tuft of grass at the base of the tree design. This looks pretty.
- Now you can add your well wishes and thoughts for the occasion and the receiver.
We hope this card design must have brought a smile to your kid’s face. This will surely bring a smile to the face of the receiver as well. You can check out other such step by step articles on K4 Craft. You can share your stories and experience with us in the comments section given below. We will come up with some more interesting articles soon. Until then keep smiling and creating with K4 Craft.
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