Summer vacation for kids is not only about playing and having fun but it’s also about doing all the homework that you have got from school. We get so much homework and along with that a lot of projects too like science project, evs project and also craft projects. There are some very common and interesting craft projects that we get like making lamps, making phone stand and many more. Here, I am going to tell about some of the common yet interesting craft ideas that the kids generally get as there projects.
Carry Bags – School Craft Projects
This is a simple yet creative project for kids. It is easy to make. For making a carry bag, we need some newspapers, thread, glue. Take a sheet from the newspaper and fold it in half so that it will be in a rectangular shape. Now fold the corners having more length. Then fold the corners at the shorter side, this will serve as the base of the bag. We get a rough figure of the bag. But as we know that newspapers are really light, so we need to add some thick paper. For the base, fold the newspaper as shown below. Now, glue the folded corners. Punch holes where the threads would pass. For making the bag look more attractive, you can make designs or add some stickers too. Watch the video for steps.
Read: Recycled Bottle Craft Ideas for Kids
Handmade Paper – School Craft Projects
Yes,we are going to make handmade paper. For this, we need some waste paper, plastic screen, flat picture frames, a large container and rubber bands. First of all, tear the waste paper and put it in a blender. Add some water in the blender and blend the papers. Now take a picture frame and keep it on the plastic screen. Measure the size and cut out the plastic screen and staple it on the picture frame. Take another picture frame and keep it on top of the previous frame and attach both of them with rubber bands. Now, take the paper pulp you have made and put it in a large container. Now, with the help of the frames take some pulp from the container. Remove the frame attached with rubber band and then let the paper pulp dry. After it has dried, take out the sheet of the paper from the frame and iron it by keeping the sheet of paper below some pieces of newspaper so that it will become plain. You can even add colours while blending the waste paper, to get colourful papers. You can make more papers from the pulp and then make a journal from these papers. A handmade journal is ready to use. Watch the video for the process
Read: Innovative Recycled Craft ideas for Kids To Try This Vacation
Pebble Characters – School Craft Projects
Making characters out of pebbles is really easy. So, grab some pebbles of different sizes, from your garden and get ready. First, choose the character you want to make and then select the pebbles accordingly, like a large pebble for the body and a small one for the head. Sketch out the character in the pebble with a pencil and then paint it. After the pebbles have dried, highlight the features with a marker and do the detailing too. You can make a variety of characters out of pebbles. You can even use them as paper weights. Watch the video for more ideas.
Read: Amazing Paper Craft Ideas For Kids To Try This Vacation
Kaleidoscope – School Craft Projects
Kaleidoscope is an optical instrument where the objects can be seen in different patterns due to the reflecting surfaces. A kaleidoscope can be really helpful for the kids as it will help them understand the reflection process. We need double sided tape, foam sheet, mirrors, sticky tape and some shiny tape. For making a kaleidoscope, take 3 identical strips of vertical mirror and then hold them together to form a triangle. Now, stick the mirrors together with the help of sticky tape. Ask an adult to do this for you, as the edges of the mirrors can be sharp.Take a triangular shape of mirror of exactly the same size of the triangular kaleidoscope. Stick the triangular shaped mirror at one end so that it will cover one end of the kaleidoscope and will act as a base. Now, we have a basic structure of the kaleidoscope. To protect the kaleidoscope from breaking, stick foam sheet to the kaleidoscope with the help of double sided tape. Decorate the kaleidoscope with shiny tape. Now put some beads or pieces of bangles in the kaleidoscope and watch the patten that is formed. It’s really amazing. Watch the video for the steps.
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Making Fossils – School Craft Projects
Fossils are the preserved remains of a living being at past. You can even make fossils at home. All we need is, plaster of Paris, modelling clay, sponge, some paint and an animal toy of which you want to make a fossil. You can even use a leaf for the model of your fossil. First, take some clay and spread it a little as this will act as the base of our fossil. Now, take the animal toy and put it on the clay. Press the toy so that the impression formed on the clay will look nice and perfect. Remove the toy after some time. You will see an impression of the toy on the clay. Take some more clay, roll it, and place it around the impression like a wall. Take a cup of plaster of Paris and add water to it. Make the mixture dilute, so that we can get the detailing on the fossil. Now slowly pour the plaster of Paris on the clay and wait for it to dry. After the plaster of Paris has dried completely, remove the clay slowly. For making the fossil look more realistic, paint it with colours like bronze or black, with the help of a sponge. It will give the fossil a look of a rock. You can make fossils from any object you want. For video tutorial, click on the link below.
Read: Easy Yarn Craft Ideas for Kids
Making Candles – School Craft Projects
Are you wondering what to do with those broken unused candles? Why not use them to make another candle? Yes, you can make candles by recycling old candles. Collect some old broken candles then boil them by using a double boiler. How? Take a bowl, add water and start boiling it. Now, place a container on the bowl and put the candles. After some time, the candles melts down. You can even add broken crayons to give the wax some colour. Now, take a plastic container which will act as a candle mould. You can choose a container of any shape you want for your candle. Take a candle wick and place it in the plastic container. Twist one end of the wick and pass a stick through it and place it on the container so that the wick will remain still when we put the wax in the container. Pour the melted wax in the container and leave it to dry. When it becomes completely dry, put the container upside down, so that the candle can come off easily or you can simply take a knife and cut through the edges for the candle to come off. Here’s the video tutorial.
Read: Crafts To Encourage Creativity Among Kids
Dolphin Notebook – School Craft Projects
For making a dolphin notebook we need, some blue colour papers, scissors, glue and white papers. First, cut out the blue paper in a vertical manner, according to the choice of the size of your notebook. Fold 1/3rd of the paper, which will act as the head of the dolphin. Now, cut out the design of the tail in the remaining part. For more effect, take a piece of white paper and cut out the shape of tail and stick it on the blue paper. Cut out the fins from unused blue paper and stick them on the sides. Take a dozen of vertically cut white paper, fold them to half and staple them in the middle. Now, paste these papers on the dolphin’s body as shown in the video. Make eyes with some white paper and stick them to the head of the dolphin. Here is the video representation.
Read: School Projects: STEM Crafts for Kids
Backpacks – School Craft Projects
Yes, you can even make a bag at home. Though this bag can only carry light things, but it’s really beautiful and easy to make. Choose the colour of the paper for your bag. Now, fold the paper 3 times making 3 parts of the paper, remember that two parts should be equal in size while the 3rd part should be shorter in size. Now, fold the edges of the vertical side as shown in the video. Cut out the edges folded from the shorter part of the paper, as this would act as the flap of the backpack. Fold the remaining parts and stick them. For making it look more attractive, you can stick paper pockets of different colours on the front side. For making the handle, cut out a piece of paper in a ‘U’ shape and stick it at the back side of the back pack. For making the straps, cut two vertical pieces of paper. Stick one end at the handle and the other end at the edge of the back side of the backpack. Watch the video for steps.
Read: Easy Craft Ideas for Kids Using Paper Plates
With these amazing ideas, make your summer vacations more fun and enjoyable. These activities won’t only help you to make projects for your school but would also be helpful to you as you can even use them for various purposes. Hope you like it.
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