Easter basket making is fun for whole family. It is not only used in decoration to keep things but also as beautiful personalized gift item. Here is simple and innovative way to make beautiful Easter basket. Hope you like it.
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Required Material:
Step: 1
- Take a balloon of your favorite color and blow it to the appropriate size according to size of the basket. By the end of this tutorial, you will get idea.
- Tie the end of the balloon with a string and make sure you leave at least 25 cm. of string at the end.
Step: 2
- Now, it is time to wrap the string around the balloon. We suggest you to go lengthwise in beginning.
- Continue this process till you reached to the desired coverage.
Step: 3
- Take a large bowl (more than size of balloon) and create sugar solution in the bowl.
- To make sugar solution, mix water and sugar in ratio of 1:2.
- Roll the balloon in the solution to get it thoroughly covered sugar solution.
Step: 4
- Hang the balloon with the string you left and dry it.
- When it get dried, roll it again in sugar solution. This second time rolling in sugar solution is necessary to make it more durable.
Step: 5
- Dry the balloon and place it on a parchment paper to make it little flat by pressing it downward.
- Now it is time to pop the ballon.
Step: 6
- Cut out a portion to give it shape of basket as shown in the figure. You can cut out differently to your desired shape.
- You can use a ruler to provide proper symmetry to basket all across its length.
Step: 7
Step: 8
- Its decoration time!
- Keep your items ready to glue your favorite ribbon from the edges of the basket. You can use hot glue gun for this purpose if you have it.
Step: 9
- Start with the handles first followed by top edge of the basket.
Step: 10
- Ensure to cover the hole at the top of the handle
- You can create a bow with your matching color or you can think of another better idea and please let us know if you have one!
Step: 11
- Put cellophane at the bottom of the basket and fill it with metallic crinkle cellophane. You can decorate with other items of your choice.
Hope you like our tutorial.
You may also enjoy related art & craft video tutorial to make basket form recycled newspaper in environment friendly manner.
Source: Centerstreet style – DIY Easter Baskets
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