Vacation is said to be the best time for everyone. We all eagerly wait for this time of the year and have numerous plans set for the same. Both parents as well as children enjoy themselves during vacation. But some of the parents are worried about their children that they want to make their children to spend their holidays in a useful manner. Hence they arrange for some summer camps and some writing classes and drawing classes. But do you think they really enjoy doing all those things during their holidays? So we got an idea to make the vacation as a useful vacation for your children. Here we had shown some paper crafts work for kids, which are made with some basic requirements such as paper, paint and scissors etc.
How To Make Cute Paper Fans
Material Required
- Pencil
- Ruler
- Marker
- Scissors
- A-4 size paper
- Glue stick
- Foam sheet (optional)
- First take a new A-4 size paper and mark about 1 cm from one end. Now cut 4 to 5 papers whose length should be accurately same. After that, paste the paper on a new A-4 sheet [two at the top and two at the bottom].
- Then if u need the paper to be decorated, then go for it.
- Then fold the paper alternatively and unfold, it looks like a fan. Then proceed to about 3 to 4 fans and finally paste all those fans together.
- To make a stick-.Now take a new A-4 and fold continuously with equal length and scroll the paper outwards with another alternative colored paper.
- Finally paste the stick on both sides. Optionally you can prefer a Foam sheet and cut it to a small piece and then paste an elastic band on it. So that, it makes more comfortable to handle.
- Similarly, proceed with a new design. Here take a paper with about 7 cm and cut the corners of all sides. Then paste at the center of the A-4 sheet. After that the process will be similar as mentioned earlier.
This Activity Improves-
- Improve your child’s motor skills.
- Boost his/her artistic skills.
- Keep him/her away from TV and smart phone.
Read: Creative & Easy Paper Crafts To Make Your Day Beautiful
How To Make Paper Rocket
Material Required
- A-4 size paper
- Pencil, ruler
- Glue stick
- Scissors.
- Take three different papers. First scroll a paper and paste at the end to make it stiff.
- Then take a new sheet and cut it in to two equal halves. Scroll the paper separately as you did it on the previous step.
- Next take another new sheet and cut a piece as such as small and scroll like a small cone.
- After that, place the cone inside the paper which you scrolled already. Insert it for all you have scrolled.
- 5. Finally paste all the three papers together to display the full rocket.
This Activity Improves-
- Introduce your child to space science.
- Enhance his/her curiosity.
Read: Paper Lavender: How to make beautiful paper lavender
How To Make Simple Paper Star
Material Required
- Square paper
- Scissors
- Try to fold the paper as mentioned in the video. Here, first fold the paper in to two equal halves and make one of the corner to touch the top and similarly do with the opposite side.
- Now you can see a “X” mark. Then make one end of the paper to touch the center of the mark. It looks like a cone and fold all the remaining parts of the paper.
- Cut the paper and then unfold it.
- Apply a gentle crease on the 5 pointed sides of the star.
- Fold perfectly to get a paper star.
This Activity Improves-
- Make children to improve their concentration.
Read: Video Tutorials : Make Newspaper Desk Organizer at Home
Shark Catcher – Paper Craft Ideas For Kids
Material Required
- Paper
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Fold an A-4 paper vertically as well as horizontally. Then bring the corner of all the 4 sides towards centre.
- Turn back and fold it towards back. Now cut a paper for its eyes and fins.
- Cut as much as you want to decorate the fish. Take a new sheet and cut some papers with same shape and finally paste the paper on all four sides .Paste all the paper to make more decorative.
Read: Advanced Craft : Amazing Paper Sculptures Ideas
How To Make Spinning Top With Paper For Kids
Material Required
- A-4 size paper
- Toothpick
- Scissors and glue stick.
- To make paper strips, mark 1 cm in width and 40 cm in length. You can make with any length and its up to you. Cut as much as need (4 to 5 sheets).
- Next wrap the toothpick with one paper and apply glue at the end to make stiff.
- Now proceed with other papers and wrap one by one.
- Finish it off with glue. Now the spinning top is ready to spin.
This Activity Improves-
- Teach your child about colors.
- Boost your child’s confidence and creative skills.
Read: DIY Recycled Newspaper Craft Video Tutorials
Easy Origami Bracelet Tutorial
Material Required
About 18 strips of paper with size 15*1.8 cm and final size: 4*8 cm
- In video there will be shown three types of bracelet such as medium card, thin card and plastic.
- Take a new sheet and cut it in to two equal halves .Then unfold and fold both sides to meet the centre line. Make as much as you need.
- Then try to insert one paper on another paper (i.e.) if it is horizontally placed, then insert the paper vertically. Likewise insert all the paper alternatively.
- Finally bring it to a bangle shape and finish it off.
This Activity Improves-
Improves thinking skills.
Makes children to learn about ancient art, because origami is an ancient art.
Read: DIY Paper Plate Crown | Birthdays, Crafts and Kids
How To Make An Origami House
Material Required
- Square sheets
- Take a new sheet and fold in to two equal halves. Keep the paper horizontally and then fold both sides to touch the centre line. Then turn vertically and repeat the same procedure.
- Then fold as such that one corner should touch the bottom and fold as shown in video. There should be “X” mark on both the sides.
- Finally unfold the paper and follow the steps as shown in video and you will get a 3D triangle.
- Then fold the paper as you did in the step 2 and fold paper of about 1 cm at both the corner and unfold it perfectly. Here you will get as 3D rectangle.
- Now place the 3D triangle on the 3D rectangle and so you can see a perfect origami house.
This Activity Improves-
- Helps children to know about 3D shape.
- It helps to know about geometric concepts.
Read: How To Make a Origami Paper Jumping Frog
How To Make Sweet Tweety Bird With Paper Mach
Material Required
- Cardboard
- Waste news papers
- Paint
- First, we are going to make the feet’s and legs of the tweety bird. So take the size of balloon and cut 2 pieces of cardboard. Then scroll the cardboard with some news paper and stuff it in a polythene cover.
- Then go with the legs, now take a square paper and roll it off. After insert the legs on the feet and paste it with tape.
- Tweety bird body looks like a “TEAR DROP”. So here we next go with its body. Now scroll some newspaper and stuff in it a polythene bag as such as in video. Here insert a nail or some pin to make it stiff.
- Then do face and cheeks. For face take a balloon and apply some crease and paste the newspaper and do two chubby cheeks with the paper. And join all the parts together.
- Finally go with its hands and fingers. For Hands, wrap a big nail with the paper and for fingers prefer small nails and scroll it with the paper.
- Then join all the parts and paint it. Here, everything is by wrapping the newspaper and apply some crease on it. So only thing, that what you have to do is, you have to be very conscious of wrapping paper in a correct shape.
This Activity Improves-
- Helps children to be more conscious on shape.
- Improves the thinking skills.
So, I think the above mentioned paper crafts will be useful for your kids and they can improve more skills through the crafts.
Hope this have been helpful to you! Keep visiting our website for art and craft ideas and tutorials. Which one your favorite? Please tell us in the comments below. And be sure to follow on Pinterest for more ideas!
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