Plastic bottle is something that can be found in abundance at home and when these plastic bottles get too old to be used, then we can use these bottles to make creative stuff useful at home such as a small plastic holder. Children don’t usually have a habit of keeping things at one place and it further results in things getting misplaced especially things which are small in size and are of importance such as matchsticks, iron nails, earrings, safety pins etc. Hence here we have come up with the idea of making simple plastic holders which can be made by using old plastic bottles usually found at home.
Creative Life Hacks with Plastic Bottles
For making a simple plastic holder for keeping small things all we need to do is get two plastic bottles, cut them from their heads and all that is left should be the opening mouth of the bottle and after cutting the same of two bottles, join them from their necks with glue and after the glue dries , cover it with a cello tape and then cover the opening of the mouth from one side and from the other side, put things of small use such as iron nails and then cover it from the other side too by putting the bottle cover. There are many other creative ways of using a plastic bottle i.e. by making a plastic spoon, a plastic mug or maybe a spinning top for play. They are very easy and quick to make. You To see the demo of the same, you can view the you tube channel given below.
Read: 50+ Creative Ways To Make Crafts by Recycling Plastic Bottles
You can also recycle other things like Aluminium Cans, newspaper among other things.
4 Amazing Life Hacks with Aluminium Cans
We usually drink soft drinks that sometimes are also contained in aluminium cans and after we empty the cans, we usually throw them. But here we have come up with 4 innovative ideas to bring the used aluminium cans in use. The aluminium cans can either be used in may ways such as to make zip aluminium can holder, a light lamp, an innovative small wind mill/ small fan and also a very innovative way to make a replica of any key which can open a lock. All of these require a can cutter, some glue, a zip locker of the size of the can and also a candle. Children can make these crafts in a very simple manner by viewing the link given below. These crafts would help them sharpen their minds and also would help them in becoming more creative. In order to make the following innovative stuffs, you can view the link given below which explains all these crafts in detail.
Read: DIY Tutorial : Homemade Bird Feeder form Plastic Bottle
Easy Ways to Make a Gift Box
Handmade gifts are the best way to express love towards someone close and children especially have a keen interest in doing paper craft. So here we have come up with an idea of making a gift box that is simple and quick to make. Old coloured papers can be brought into use and there are unbelievably helpful things and craft can be done with them. All we need to do is get a coloured paper of our choice, a pair of scissors, glue and a ribbon. The use of coloured paper to make various unique things is discussed in detail in the video given below.
Read: DIY Cute Recycled Glass Bottle vases (Tutorial)
Home Decorative Craft Ideas
Home is where your heart is. The most calming place where we get a peace of mind is our home and we should try our best to keep enhancing its beauty. Decoration is implemented in every field of our lives, for instance, to make beautiful and lavish homes. Children and especially girls have a keen interest in decoration and hence here we come up with an idea that can keep children busy the whole summer by decorating their homes and shall also help in making home a beautiful place to live in. We can do home decor by making beautiful lamps using thermocol glasses, pen stand using handmade papers can also be made. Make colourful candles by melting different colour wax crayons, beautiful napkin holders using ice cream sticks and ribbons can also be made. Much more can be explored by watching this video that would give a better idea in detail to execute the home decorative ideas given above.
Read: DIY Step by Step Plastic Bottle Crafts Ideas
Creative Ideas with Newspaper
Newspaper is something found in abundance at home. Children can make use of newspaper and make photo frames. Wall hangings can also be made by simply painting newspapers with desired colours and then cutting them into different shapes and attach them together with a wire and hand them for decor on the walls. Christmas trees can also be made using newspaper by simply making paper rolls and pasting them accordingly. For more details, view the video link given below.
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