The most important feature of Diwali is decoration. Every home lights in its unique way. Here, we brought to you an unique way to light your home using simple cupcake papers.
Material Required
- cupcake papers (Large and small)
- string lights,
- Scissors
- Exacto knife
# Step 1: Making Leaves
- Fold a small cupcake paper in half 2 times
- With the folded point at the bottom cut a leaf shape as shown in following image.
# Step 2: Making Flowers
8-petal flower
- Fold a small cupcake paper in half 3 times
- With the folded point at the bottom cut around the top.
16-petal flower
# Step 3:
Now you have flowers and leaves
- Cut a small X in the center of each paper.
- Layer cupcake papers onto each light bulb to make flowers.

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