DIY Clever Projects from OLD DENIM JEANS – Step by step tutorial

The blue denims have taken over the world with a storm. They have become the new comfort clothing for the millennial. We all can see hundreds of people wearing denims to work, school, play, etc. This new rage has stemmed from the fact that the denims have a subtle color and come in various designs also the fabric is comfortable to wear. The blue denims have never itched anyone. In this fast paced world we have not yet forgotten to ensure favourites among clothing. We all have that one blue denims which we love the most. It is the most heartbreaking thing, when our favourite denim cannot be worn anymore. The reasons to not be able to wear your favourite part of jeans may be many. It can be due to the fact that the jeans have faded or the reason that the jeans have been torn from some region, etc. We have come up with some creative ideas to keep your old jeans with you even if you cannot wear it for some reason. You will be delighted to know all these hacks and tips.

Latest Old Denim Jeans Step by Step

Old denim from jeans is a great way to salvage and re-purpose some awesome fabric. Denim, as you know, is super durable, and you can make all kinds of creative things with it. From desk accessories and storage to Coaster and daily accessories to new refashioned items like jacket, those old jeans have some serious potential. Try out a few of these easy to follow step by step tutorials and make some awesome stuff today!

DIY: Make Bags from Recycled Jeans (Video tutorial)

If your have a pair of blue denims which cannot be worn anymore but you love it, you can go for this hack. This way a part of your favourite jeans will always remain in front of you. You can store various things in these denim baskets. You can easily make these denim baskets from your blue denims. First of all decide on the height of the basket you wish to make. Cut the lower portion of the denims accordingly. Now see the lower edge so as to seal the basket from the bottom. Now fold the top of the cut piece. Now you can afford the edges. Now fill up your denim baskets with all sorts of things you wish to keep inside it.

Paint Splattered Jeans, SOURCE (

If your jeans are all tad and boring and you do not feel like wearing it anymore now, you can go for this beautiful paint splattered look on your favourite pair of jeans. You will need some bright or pastel colored acrylic paint and a large paint brush to hell in splattering the paint across the legs of the denims. Always spread an old cloth beneath the denims to avoid dirtying the whole area. Let your pants dry. You can wear this fresh as new denims to social gatherings, get together, birthdays, etc.

DIY Cutting Jeans Into shorts

If you have an old pair of jeans which is not in a condition to be worn anymore, you can try this fun way to revamp your favourite pair of denims. If you do not like the lower part of your favorite jeans, you can decide to cut off the lower portion of your jeans. Decide on the length of shorts you will be comfortable wearing. Make a mark. Take a pair of scissors and cut along the marked line. Now you have a beautiful shorts to wear to various occasions. It will add confidence to your walk.

DIY Create an attractive apron from old jeans

Hello, denim hackers we have this beautiful apron template. You can make a beautiful apron using an old pair of jeans. If your jeans have faded, you can go for this apron design. Start by cutting off the lower groin portion of the jeans. Now add some colorful cloth frill to it. Add two ribbons on each side. These ribbons will help you to tie and secure the apron in place. Now cut a flat denim piece from the lower leg of the denims. Attach this flat piece to the upper portion of the groin. Finish it off by adding a piping of colorful cloth and a band to be placed at the neck.

Old Jeans Into Phone Holder When you Charge

We all face an issue of keeping our phones when the phone needs to be charged on high sockets. Our jeans have faithfully carried our phones always. So let us put our old jeans to use for this issue. The pockets of old jeans are always useful. Neatly cut out a back pocket from your old denims. Add a handle to the top edge of the back pocket. This will help you to hang the phone holder later. Seal the loops. Now you can slip the holder on to your phone charger and then place your phone inside the back pocket of the phone. This will ensure that your phone does not fall while getting charged.

Old Jeans Bracelet tutorial

You can even make some pretty bracelets using your old pair of denims. The supplies required to make this pretty bracelets are very low. You should keep vary of the sharp needle edge. You will need a thin rectangular strip of denim cloth, large sized beads, needle, white thread. Now add the large sized beads to the rectangular slip of denim and shrink the cloth as you move on to slip another bead in place. You can wear this beautiful bracelet on various occasions.

DIY Jeans Coaster tutorial

Coasters are a great addition to your home. It helps you to keep your home clean and tidy. Let us make some coaster from the bases of our old jeans. Cut off the base folds of the denim pants. Cut off any excess denim cloth using a sharp edged scissors. Start by rolling the denim base from end. Keep on adding more and more base strips to get the required girth of the coaster. The height of the coaster is decided by the breadth of the base strip and the diameter of the coaster can be decided by you.

DIY Old Jeans Vest Step by step tutorial

If you have an old pair of jeans which is rather in good shape but you have grown bored of it, you can turn it into a funky denim jacket. Lay your old pair of jeans straight. Mark the legs of the denim according to your height or the required height of the jacket. Place the two pieces together. Now sew the open edges. You can even make button holes and add buttons to the other side. You can add some funky decorations to the front panel of the jacket to make it look good. Aslo, can add ribbons or laces to add to the beauty of this jacket. You can wear this cool jacket to birthdays, college functions, etc.

DIY Old Jeans Organizer tutorial

The pockets of the denims bear a lot all through their life. They are trendy and sturdy both at the same time. Let us make a beautiful holder using the pockets of the denims. Cut out the front pocket from your old pair of denims. Cut off the excess denim cloth from the edges. Now take a jute cloth and cut it to a bit larger size than the pocket. Now fold the edges inwards. Use hot glue gun to seal the edges in place. Now use hot glue gun to stick the denim pockets on the top of just cloth. This completes the basic structure of the denim pocket holder. Add a just top at the top to add a hanging provision to it. This stuff holder can hold various things.

We hope you liked all these pretty old denim step by step revamping crafts. These will surely help you reduce waste. You can check out other related crafts on K4 media. You can leave your feedback and opinion in the comments section given below. We would love to hear from you. We will come up with more such useful craft ideas for you. Keep smiling and creating with K4 Craft. And be sure to follow on Pinterest for more ideas!

Nidhi Sharma: