With over 850,000 stores on Etsy, It has made crafting and DIYing into a business opprotunity for thousands of people all over the world. It has established itself as a one-stop-shop for handicrafts, wedding planning, paintings, personalized home décor, and so much more.
If you have an Etsy store, but not sure how to promote it? We can help you and we will not charge any fee for our service.
How can we help you?
- You can write article (preferably tutorial) about your craft with links of your Etsy store. These article will not only let you tell people how much hard work you poured to make the craft but also you can engage with them at K4Craft.
- Since we regularly share articles with our 5 million+ followers on our social pages, it will increase reach your craft work.
If you’re interested, please mail us at contact@k4craft.com. We will soon contact you and share guidelines for article writing.