Thank you for your interest in guest blogging for K4craft! We’ve created a system to help guide you through the process.
A word about our audience
Our audience consists of art and craft lovers. Your guest post simply needs to help our core audience in some way.
Also, we don’t like re-hashing the same concepts and ideas over and over again. We’re looking for new ideas, tutorials and techniques our readers can use today.
Our favorite type of content
You’ll move to the top of our list if you can authoritatively write on the following topics:
- Art & Craft Tutorial
- Paper Craft
- DIY Hacks
- Kids Craft
- Home Decor
Benefits of Publishing at K4craft
- You can increase your reach with K4craft. Our website attract thousands of visit on daily basis.
- Apart from this, we regularly share our website posts in Facebook pages, groups and other social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.
- We also allow one do-follow link in the article. It will help you to increase site-linking.
Things You Need To Follow
You can submit your work in form of Pictures, Article or Video.
Guidelines for Sending Pictures
- Pictures must original and should be related to art and craft
- It would be nice if you send images of all the steps.
- Images should be in HD and clear.
- You can mail us your work at or send your work at our facebook page
Guidelines for Article Writing (Tutorial)
- Your art work must original and should be related to art and craft. It should not have been published on any other platform – print or digital platform i.e. you cannot just duplicate content.
- Write steps of making so that other can follow your step. You can write in Hindi or English. If you’re not able to write, you can seek assistance of our team.
- Images should be in HD and clear. Provide images for every step used in creation of art work.
- You can mail us your work at or send your work at our facebook page
Guidelines for Submitting Video (Tutorial)
- If you want to submit video, please make sure that it should be original and unpublished on any digital platform like Youtube, Facebook or Instagram.
- Please contact us at our facebook page or mail us at about your work. We will suggest you way for sending your work based on size of your video.