DIY: Make Dandiya Sticks for Garba This Navratri (Video Tutorial)

Navratri and Garba goes parallel, one cannot be complete without other. Dance, enthusiasm with colorful outfits are special feature of Garba along with special Dandiya. In this tutorial, we will show you how to make Garba dandiya from newspaper to celebrate dandiya night.

Learn to Make Roll up Newspaper Tubes for Dandiya

How to make paper tubes using recycled newspaper.

It’s so simple to roll paper tubes out of newspaper and then use the tubes for dandiya sticks.

Eco Friendly “DANDIYA” Sticks for Navratri

Rolled Newspaper sticks. weave into bowls, beads, baskets, and many other items. This is an amazing way to use up your old newspaper and turn it into something useful again.

Material Required for Dandiya:

  1. Newspaper roll
  2. Ribbon or decorating paper
  3. Glue
  4. Tape

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