How to Make Jute Flowers with Our Own Hands

Flowers from burlap are usually simple to manufacture and do not require expensive materials for manufacturing. Ready-made flowers can be used to make various decorative elements. For example, it can be both an independent bouquet, and part of an element, such as a Christmas wreath, a frame for photos, packing and much more, here the main thing is fantasy and a little patience.

So, let’s begin!

Required Material:

  • Jute
  • Wire
  • Crepe paper
  • PVA glue
  • Glue “Titan”
  • Scissors

Step 1. Take the wire and form from it the petals of our future flower. To make the petals look even and equal, you can use a glass, a jar or what is on hand as a form, I used a jar of glue.

Step 2. Cut the strips of the desired color into strips. It is advisable to cut not long strips, so it will be more convenient, and the paper will not break. Step 3. Prepared strips of crepe paper spread with PVA glue and wrap the petals of the wire. We give a little dry glue and bend to the top of the tip of the petal. Step 4. Each petal along the contour is spread with glue “Titan” and glues to burlap. It is important to apply the adhesive not in a thick layer so that it does not flow out of the outline of the petal. Let’s dry. Step 5. We are convinced that the glue is dry, and we cut the petals from the burlap along the contour. Step 6. The most pleasant ? We form a flower from ready-made petals. We give a small bend to the petals and fasten the finished flower piece of wire. An additional piece of wire can be sealed with crepe paper.






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