Make Wire Nail Polish Flowers Hair Clip:
Required Material:
* wire (0,3mm)
* nail polish (preferably not too thick and not too thin)
* wire cutters
* clay
* ballpen we will cut about 5 identical pieces of wire, not very large 8-10sm
Bend the wire in half and twists like this
to get here is a ring
We give it shape petals pressed to handle
when viewed from the side, it should turn out like this
Now the hardest part:
Generously dip the brush into the paint, stretch big drop from the brush across detail.Ne fact that the bubble will pull lacquer on the first try.
Brush must be kept at the lowest possible angle to the plane of the crafts. Try to keep a brush the top and bottom of the craft. It was easier to do it from the bottom.
Lac taut and burst? Excellent. Now can’t hack in the right direction, that evenly as you need. You can combine colors, but be careful, the bubble could burst!
We wait until it dries a little thing, I was drying, sticking petals in a piece of plasticine
stamens …. Again, cut into small pieces of wire and gently put on the tip of a drop of lacquer
Curl up together … voila! obtain flower)
Now a Clip can make a bouquet of flowers))
The most convenient way to work with parts whose dimensions are comparable to the size of the brush with nail polish. If the item is much more, it is very difficult to pull at her nail polish.
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