Tag: World Environment Day
American style Indian doll
Recycled Flower Vase
Material Required Procedure
Candle holder
Recycled Paper Craft For World Environment Day
How to make an owl perched on a tree
I used pop tabs and created a picture of an owl perched on a tree.
How to make a Sock Bunny
I recycled old socks to make them.
How to make a flower crown
I recycled some thrift store flowers to make a flower crown. I also used some wire and yarn to make the crown shape.
Golden cardpaper
Golden cardpaper STEPS:- Mansi Undavia 1. Draw peacock on the card board and cut it 2. Cut a round cardboard to stick spoons 3. Cut the spoons to make feather of peacock and apply golden colour to it. 4. Apply golden paper and stick it into round cardboard 5. Apply blue acrylic colour on peacock…
Nature inspired alphabet decoration
Material required:- colored papers scissor glue cardboard PROCEDURE:- cut alphabet on cardboard.then cut some leaves and then by cutting a circle on paper make flowers .After preparing leaves and flowers paste it on cardboard alphabet.
Beautiful handmade paper quilling flowers and more
Beautiful handmade paper quilling flowers, flower basket, CD decorate with paper flower and more CD Decorated with quilling flower :: Colour paper, Glue Flower basket :: Colour Paper, Coconut shell, Sand paper Flower basket :: Sticks Glue, Glue, Paint Sunflower :: Plastic bottle, Paper, ribbons, Green tape