How to Make a Gift Box for the Ring

A beautiful package for a gift is never superfluous and in today’s master class I will show and tell you how I did a gift box for a ringlet. I wanted to do something light, complementing the decoration itself, combined with it.

For the production of the box I prepared a ready template for printing on A 4, with the help of which the work will be easy and pleasant, and the result will please.

Layouts are created by me for personal use by everyone, I ask not to use them for commercial purposes, and when copying this material, specify a direct link to the source.

For work we will need:

1. Binding cardboard 2 mm thick, enough for about 1/4 sheet A 4.

2. The template printed on the printer. You can print on plain paper or self-adhesive. This issue is not principled, the self-adhesive will simply speed up the work somewhat and will save you from unnecessary fuss with glue.

3. Ordinary clerical glue, PVA in pencil, Moment-Crystal or any other.

4. Metal ruler and construction, mock-up or clerical knife, scissors.

5. Decorative elements – 2-3 bradsa, corners, satin ribbon.

I apologize for the quality of the photo, today it is somewhat lower than usual, it just so happened.

Courtesy: livemaster






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